Manage Exclusions list to send PushPage to users

I am requesting the ability to either pull users with Exclusions (onRecord > Procedures > Grading > Manage Exclusions) into a List, so I can add this into a Distribution Group to send PushPages to -or- to be able to export the existing report, to include User ID and Email Address, so I can import static users into a Distribution Group.
  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • john ronan commented
    2 Oct, 2018 05:58pm

    In general, whether someone has an exclusion should be query-able. ...List-able for these and many other reasons.

  • Jim Robb commented
    10 May, 2016 04:27pm



    I would like the inverse to be possible as well. To have the Manage Exclusions to PREVENT users from being included on a distribution group. For instance, We are about to send a pushpage about next year's schedule but do not want to sent it to people on the exclusion list.

  • +1