Medical Visit Should Mark Attendance

When a Nurse checks a student into the Nurse's Office for a visit I think that it should automatically mark the student absent from all of their classes until they are checked out. 

Having to check a student into the Nurse's Office and then also mark them absent from class in another part of the system seems to be an unnecessary redundancy. 

  • Guest
  • Feb 16 2017
  • Attach files
  • Karola Trockenbrodt commented
    14 Feb, 2023 03:57pm

    "Yes" to the initial post and to all comments from 2018.

    Our after school staff would appreciate it.

    It would also be amazing if teachers could see how many times a student was at the nurse's office that day already. Sometimes students are being sent to the nurse every time a teacher is new in class that day. Maybe even with a field for notes like, "parents contacted" or "medication given", or "Covid-19 neg." and the notes disappear at the end of that day but remain in the Medical file of the student.

  • Guest commented
    1 Jun, 2018 02:01pm

    This sounds like a great feature, although I think Blackbaud should have a pop up or button asking you if you also wanted to mark them absent from current/future classes because it is plausible that a student may leave class to see a nurse and then return in short order within the period of a class.

  • Guest commented
    8 Mar, 2018 02:11pm

    Additionally, if the nurse indicates that the Outcome within a Visit is that the student is sent home, that should tie into the student's attendance.  The student should automatically be marked as a default absence type beginning at the time marked "Time out" in the recorded Visit.