Allow Buy Now/GiveNow items to rollover to future school years

Currently, all items set up in BuyNow and GiveNow disappear after the school year is over and have to all be re-created from scratch for each new school year, which is a lot of work for the school financial administrator, and this discourages the school from using this feature because other external shopping cart systems don't work this way.  In addition, items can't be copied and then modified.

  • Mary Raney
  • Aug 6 2019
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jamie Lyons commented
    7 Oct, 2022 07:20pm

    Hello all! Thank you for taking the time to submit and vote on this idea. This was implemented with our roll over process this year! All Buy Now and Give Now items will roll over from year to year!

  • Donna DesRuisseaux commented
    19 Sep, 2022 03:05pm

    We use most of the same buy now fees each year. It would be wonderful if they could copy over to the new year.

  • Stanley Golanka commented
    13 Sep, 2022 05:25pm

    Yes! This should apply to virtually all settings (most recently we had issues with Grade book access and teachers' ability to edit attendance. We have kept the same settings for years, but have to re-set them each year.