Static report for number of students per family

Good Morning,

I would like to submit an enhancement request around reporting on families with multiple students. Currently the only to determine these families are to go into :

Smart – Manage Families – then one is able to the toggle drop down to filter to the accounts with the opted number of students by family.

As doable as this is, we should be able to run a static report, that will create a report. Or by an export by student , that has some basic information

Family ID, plan name, Payer Name, Payer 2 name , Payer Email, Payer 2 email, Student ID, student Grade, Student Name , Enrolled date, Number of siblings on family account .

Thank you for consideration.

  • Michael Zuchowski
  • Mar 8 2021
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    31 Mar, 2021 02:13pm

    For the love of Aunt Betsy, YES!