Allow payment or credit application to specific charges when process in batch

We can select auto-apply payment/credit or do not auto-apply. However, we cannot tell the system to apply payments/credits to a specific charge when add them to a group. We still need to go into each biller's profile to make changes. This is not efficient.

Can we set up application rules, then use these rules when we add payments/credits, esp. in a batch? For example, application rule is set for tuition charges. In fee setting, create a field for application rule and set rule can be selected. Or in add payment or add credit pages, set up a field for application rule and set rule can be selected. What this means is the payment/credit will be applied to the defined charge(s) in the application rule only.

  • Jing Jin
  • Feb 9 2023
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Jing Jin commented
    November 13, 2024 18:33

    When add payments to a group, the auto-apply selection is general and applies to all payments/records entered. Is it possible to have this at individual record level, so the option to select/deselect can be done for each payment and record? The default can be auto-apply selected.