Additional Options to Base a Fee On

Currently we are only able to set a fee to a single amount or based on grade level, but we need to be able to also set a fee based on the same options that Tuition has, such as international/domestic, boarding/day, payment plan, and school program.

  • Mark Lamothe
  • Apr 8 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Oona McKnight commented
    17 Nov, 2023 12:37am

    I would like to be able to calculate fees based on a percentage of the tuition - FA as well!

  • Petra Hall commented
    14 Apr, 2021 03:09pm

    In order to make fees which are not tuition-related required to be paid by everyone, the "miscellaneous" fees need to be granular by grade level, as a minimum. For example: all students must pay a registration fee, but that fee is different depending on grade level.