Official notes - need to edit

For official notes ..

*being able to edit a note from the student's record would be great! (I know you can go through Communication - official notes - searchby date)

*when printing on transcript - does the note type have to show very time? can all notes of that type be formatted to populate together with one header?

*on the student "home page" where notes are listed on the right hand side - can ALL notes for all school years be listed? (I had notes for seniors showing twice on their transcript and could not figure out why; turns out they were imported for last school year so they were being pulled from there)

  • Guest
  • Jun 4 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Stephanie C. Boon
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  • Veronica Zermani commented
    26 Apr, 2024 08:53pm

    Being able to edit an official note from the student's page would be such a time saver. Since creating multiple transcript notes for a single student takes up so much room on the transcript, I edit their existing note and add on to it.

    Right now I have to go to a student's page to see if they have an existing transcript note. If they do, I then go to communications>official notes>adjust filters and search through all the notes. It's a lot of wasted time for what should be a quick task.

  • Lisa Funkhouser commented
    14 Jun, 2021 03:51pm

    This would also be great once a student has withdrawn or graduated. There is nowhere to enter a note. I enter "Transcript sent location". Can not do that through BB once student has withdrawn.