Ability to filter by date Unhandled profile changes

The Profile Changes activity allows you to view Handled profile changes by dates, but not Unhandled profile changes by date. I had a series of changes which were more urgent, and the only way I could get them to show was to increase the number to 500 so it would pull in all profile changes, and than Ctrl+F. The changes I was looking for were on 6/17 but I had no ability to truncate the list.

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  • Jun 22 2016
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  • Angela Addison commented
    3 Jun, 2021 03:19pm

    @Jeanne Townsend and everyone, it will work - handling while filtering if you're just filtering on role. Without getting too long-winded here the reason on the others is that it doesn't is because the box for handling is one per user. When there are multiple changes, if you're filtering on a date range or area of change, the results may only include some of the changes for a user because others fall outside the criteria. We're noodling how to handle this - the easiest is to if you select users to handle with those filters on to let you do it and present a warning message that you'll be handling all changes for those users. Alternatives are going to require a little more digging into the design as the type of list that was used doesn't easily accommodate that. We are definitely adding the filter for real roles and changing the one that's there to personas. We are also making a few other updates and hope to have all issues here resolved in the next month or so. In the meantime, we're going to put a link to the old handle profile page in the list view so that folks who really can't wait that long and want to use the old version in the meantime have that option. I hope that helps alleviate concerns!

  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    3 Jun, 2021 01:46pm

    Angie & Team - thank you for addressing this quickly. I saw this thread and was cringing as I headed into my monthly task of handling profile changes. I noticed that I was able to use the filter and could acknowledge changes with the filter on, so thank you for making that possible.

    I also noticed, though, that the filter is labeled Role, but is actually a Persona filter. So when trying to handle my Student role, I also got all of my Incoming Students and Candidates. Same with Parents (I also got parents of incoming students and parents of candidates).

    I'm sure you are already working on this, but I'll add another push for an actual Role filter...I need to process changes for Students and Parents, but not all the other changes for families not yet enrolled at our school.

    Thanks again. Looking forward to the new changes once all these kinks are worked out!

  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    1 Jun, 2021 12:31pm

    Hi Angie, Thanks for your note and attention on this. I'm hoping you can get this fix implemented quickly, or roll back to the bridge-based Profile Changes screen. I have 3000 profile changes to process. I don't care about 2900 of them. I should have about 100 (our once a year profile change form went out to parents a few weeks ago, and I usually process every day during this time). To be honest, I cannot begin to wade through all the random past student and candidate profile changes. It is overwhelming. Once you add "Role" as a filter, please make sure you can acknowledge them! It's again, useless, if you cannot acknowledge these changes once you filter.

  • Christine Nichols commented
    28 May, 2021 03:44pm

    Agree with all here, no need to reiterate the obvious! Complete loss of functionality.

  • Angela Addison commented
    28 May, 2021 03:37pm

    Hi Nancy! I apologize for the pain. I have the team looking into several updates. We will at least first be adding the filer for actual role and updating the label on the one there now to persona, so folks can use whichever is appropriate for their need. I also have the team looking into sort options. I believe we're limited in the list view type (grouped by person) in the UX. Looking for feedback here - would people rather if we can't sort by any column within the group by people view just have a flat list where you can sort by the person or dates (or other columns) but the data wouldn't be in the grouped by view? Or it may be possible for us to have both if we can add a view switcher. Stay tuned!

  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    28 May, 2021 01:50pm

    Help! The new "update" has a massive loss of functionality! I can no longer filter by Role, only by Persona. I can no longer use the back button to go back to my list from a record, and while I can sort for the last # days worth of changes, I can no acknowledge changes once I use the filter.

  • Kelly Anonymous commented
    27 May, 2021 01:15pm

    I am very frustrated with the new Profile Change function. I need to be able to filter on current parents only. Also, it is not helpful that we can not sort by date. Currently I found out that the changes are being sorted by Host ID which is not helpful.

  • Anne Boudreau commented
    26 May, 2021 09:07pm

    The new Profile Change function is terrible! You can no longer differentiate between Parents, Parents of Candidates, and Parents of Incoming Students. You simply get all people with the general Role of Parents. I���m not interested in the millions of changes related to Parents of Candidates and Parents of Incoming Students. I just need to see changes made by our current Parents. This is even more of a headache than before!

  • Angela Addison commented
    21 May, 2021 08:55pm

    The new handle profile changes is going out in the coming release and includes filtering unhandled changes by date ranges.

  • Morgan Kunze commented
    17 May, 2021 04:11pm

    Seems like there are a lot of merged and upvoted suggestions here for greater manipulability of the profile changes list, but everything is years old. Would love to see these get some traction in 2021. It would be so helpful to be able to sort/filter the unhandled profile changes list.

  • Maryann Perrotta commented
    17 Sep, 2018 04:03pm

    The Ability to filter by date for Unhandled profile changes would be extremely helpful and well as type of change. There are many changes that are more pressing than others.

  • Maria Cobb commented
    12 Jul, 2017 02:09pm

    It would be great to see BB pay attention to this request and the other merged ideas that are very similar. Most of these requests are over a year old.

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