Add Abbreviation field for Custom Fields to Lists

For required Ministry of Education Data transfers, we need to export custom fields with the short code, or abbreviation, using Advanced Lists, but this field is not available.

For example, here is one table we need to use. The data we need to export is the single letter code. 

A - Physically Dependent
B - Deafblind
C - Moderate to Profound Intellectual Disability
D - Physical Disability or Chronic Health Impairment
E - Visual Impairment
F - Deaf or Hard of Hearing
G - Autism Spectrum Disorder
H - Intensive Behaviour Intervention / Serious Mental Illness
K - Mild Intellectual Disability
P - Gifted
Q - Learning Disability
R - Moderate Behaviour Support / Mental Illness
  • Guest
  • Sep 28 2017
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    • Brad Spencer commented
      September 27, 2021 18:53

      We have the same scenario with the Indiana DOE requiring codes/abbreviations in reporting. Half the work is already done in that the abbreviations are there in the tables, but now they need to be exposed in the lists so we can export them.

    • Guest commented
      September 28, 2017 17:08

      Further comment on this - it appears the abbreviation is not yet fully implemented, as it does not appear anywhere when entering data in the custom fields.