Add the "International" field to advanced lists.

There will always be government and other regulatory authorities which require data that is easiest to pull through advanced lists, and a key required field is often whether or not the student is an international student. Also, since that field is going to be key for billing purposes, it does not make sense to duplicate the "international" status in another field.

  • Petra Hall
  • Dec 2 2019
  • Attach files
  • Leah Henry-MacDonald commented
    June 06, 2022 12:59

    This is a field that can be pulled in a SKY list, but then there are other fields in the citizenship section that can only be pulled in an Advanced list (like place of birth), which means combining two lists. This is not a viable option for staff who need these lists and aren't tech savvy. Also when we pull race, ethnicity, and international statuses in a list along with needing to know certain course information (also not all available in a SKY list), we need the advanced lists. It is amazing to me that there are fields available in our database that we cannot export in Advanced lists (like gender preference). Definitely want to request adding this as an exportable field in Advanced lists.

  • Sandra Ross commented
    June 29, 2020 13:56

    Also, the international field needs to be available as a filter on the STUDENT list

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    December 02, 2019 17:54

    Hi Petra,

    Could you email me ( a sample of the report (or attach a file here) that shows the kind of data you are pulling out, so we can at least see which of our improved lists would come closest? No real student data is required, just the column headers

