Allow relationships that are added to RE by ConnectRE to be automatically reciprocated in RE

When relationships are added to RE records via ConnectRE, the relationship should be automatically reciprocated in RE. The current design places a relationship record on both records (i.e. father/child on the child's record, and child/father on the father's record), however, these are two stand-alone, unreciprocated/unlinked relationship records... it does not take the "extra step" of reciprocating the relationship records in RE (which links the two records together and allows you to click the little arrow on the relationship record to click through to the other record). Additionally, you can't link these two relationship records together, there is no way to reciprocate two existing relationship records. The only way to link these two constituents together (and have a truly reciprocated relationship) is to create a new relationship record, at which time you are promted to reciprocate the relationship (but you still have to go clean up the unreciprocated relationship record that exists on the other record).

  • Angela May
  • Oct 29 2018
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