Allow multiple events of the same title using the Event Import (Insert Only) import.

The current import cannot accommodate multiple imports with the same title forcing users to run additional imports or use unique names. It would be beneficial if schools could use the import to schedule a series of events titled "Friday Study Group" in a single import.

  • Guest
  • Apr 16 2019
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  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    June 04, 2020 19:28

    Another year and I'm running into this import validation issue again. Would love to see some developer love on adding some deeper logic checks to avoid these incorrectly identified duplicate events.

  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    May 13, 2019 12:16

    There really needs to be an additional layer of checks to verify if events are duplicates in imports.  

    In some cases, especially in performing arts, there are events with the same title, dates, as well as start and end times, but take place in different locations.  As such, I would say there needs to be the following additional verifications before determining if an event is in fact a duplicate when using the event import:

    • Start Time
    • End Time
    • Location (building & room)

    Only when these in addition to the event title are the same should an event as part of an import be considered a duplicate, and create an error.