Have Option to Use Contact Card Bio in the Affinity Category

On the website, you have the ability to add people from Core to an affinity. It carries over titles and contact information but doesn't give you the option to carry over their bio here. This means you have to copy this bio twice into the contact card (personal and public bio) and any affinity they are included in MANUALLY!! There should be at minimum, an option to carry it over. Just another examply of the patchwork quilt that seems to be this system.

  • Guest
  • Jul 15 2019
  • Attach files
  • Reji Samuel commented
    September 09, 2021 15:06

    This will be a very useful feature. Currently, there seems to be no way to bring in public or personal bio into the website using either the Affinity or Directory option without a lot of manual copying and pasting.