Currently we have applicant families enter their mailing address as it suits them. Example: some addresses have punctuation, some have abbreviations. At the end of it all, you end up with a mess if there isn't someone manually cleaning up these addresses.
It would be nice if Blackbaud would set up an algorithm to automatically clean up addresses per USPS guidelines.
RE Has AddressAccelerator which did a lot of this, but was manually triggered. Would be nice if here there were a task similar to "Duplicate users" in that the system automatically detected addresses that would benefit from this, display the current format and what it would the end result be before making the automated change, and allowed someone to acknowledge & approve the change.
I can imagine a lot of database admins might not be happy if their addresses were automatically changing without approval or notification.
This would be helpful for phone numbers as well. There are several Ideas posted out there for phone numbers to be able to have them entered in a specified format for consistency.