Ability to add downloads and hyperlinks "on the fly" rather than only selecting from pre-added categories of downloads/hyperlinks

When building detail pages for a resource board tile, if you want to add downloads, you are forced to pick from pre-added download categories. The same goes when adding hyperlinks. This prevents you from being able to intermix download links with hyperlinks. It also forces you to keep your hyperlinks in one box and your downloads in a separate box. You can't intermix the two at all.

When adding new topics within a community group, you aren't forced into selecting from categories of hyperlinks and downloads that were added to the site ahead of time. Instead, you can add a download/hyperlink on the fly and they aren't forced to be in "categories." You can just add them as you need them and you can put them intermixed with each other. I am requesting for a similar behavior to exist on detail pages.

  • Levi Tonet
  • Jun 21 2020
  • Attach files