Allow teachers to submit assessments for students

We are all in this COVID induced assessment online assessment mode. However, many times while students are taking an online assessment it will "pause." Typically, (i believe) because of an internet instability (usually my overseas students have this issue the most but sometimes stateside students have it too).

The dilemma is that the system tells me the assessment can't be graded until the student submits it. However, the student can't submit it because it is paused. I have tried extending it and allowing student to continue etc. but to no avail. I simply would like to be able to override (as the instructor) this condition and "submit" the assessment for the student so it could be graded. Then I could give them a retake as necessary.

However, I'm just stuck midstream with no way to move forward or backwards...

Does anyone know the solution to this?

I thought it would be a good program change if needed but maybe someone already knows how to do this... I'm all ears

Steve Bailey

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  • Sep 22 2020
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    • Angela Addison commented
      January 27, 2021 12:54

      Thank you guys for clarifying that it isn't necessarily the design but that it's being 'buggy'. We have been in discussions here to see if we can get a project on the books for rearchitecting a little to be able to audit the data and what's happening at different points in the assessment so that we can try to isolate scenarios we can't currently see because we don't capture that level of activity. I'm hoping that comes to pass so we can button up things.

    • Steven Bailey commented
      January 27, 2021 05:02

      This problem with paused assessments still comes up every time I give an assessment. At least 20% of my class has problems. The new one I have is a student took the test and says he submitted it. When I look at the gradebook it says "S" for submitted. Yet when I go look at his test it says "not graded and is waiting for student to submit" .. Amazingly when i look at the results several questions say "question skipped" yet the student answer is right there..hmmmm... and there are 4 questions that don't show any student answer yet he says he submitted them all. I have no way to allow "retake" (wish I had that option... I have extended the test for him since it says he didn't submit it but the student can't get into the test again. Assessment need to work all the time and everytime... This online format is exposing a minefield of problems in assessments. Blackbaud needs to take a round turn on this quickly as I know there are rumblings to leave this LMS system for something else. I am busy (like all teachers) 24 /7 and I don 't need to spend my time writing problem reports that don't get fixed expeditiously. My submission from 2o Sept says implemented.... well you could have fooled me. Here is a composite screen shot to illustrate the latest fiasco. Will anyone at Blackbaud speak with me about this.... extremely frustrated.

    • Janice Bonczek commented
      January 04, 2021 15:00

      @Angela Addison, in regards to your earlier comment, which I missed, I will test this out with some of my teachers, but I am almost positive that I have had scenarios where "save for later" was enabled, and after getting kicked out one way or another, the student was unable to "resume" the test.

      I also agree with @Steven Bailey that even if this does work, it seems like a workaround, not a feature. In order for a student's test to not get "stuck in limbo"/be ungradeable if they get kicked out of the test, we MUST enable the "save for later" option? What about teachers who want to give a test in-class, and don't want to enable "save for later" ? (As this can cause students to attempt to save the test and take it after class time, or after other classmates have finished and can provide the answers (especially with 2/3 of our students at home on any given day).

      I agree that the teacher should have the final override on any student test. The teacher will know if that student was purposely trying to cheat and should be forced to re-take the test completely, or if it is a good student who's internet dropped before they could hand the test in. We're in a new era here and this assessment system really needs an overhaul to keep up with the previous (FREE) LMS's we were using.

    • Janice Bonczek commented
      January 04, 2021 14:21

      @Angela Addison, I think what the OP was talking about is a behavior that is possibly unexpected (?) from how the assessment functions are supposed to work?

      Many times an assessment will get "paused" or just stuck in limbo somehow. (This can happen if the student accidentally presses the back or refresh button, or times out, among other things). When this happens, even though there are things in place to have this not cause a problem (such as the "allow continue" button for teachers, or the script that runs overnight in case a test didn't get submitted properly), we teachers who actually use this software every single day have noticed that many of these fail safes/workarounds don't actually work. At this point, we have one or more tests that are just kind of "stuck" in limbo. They don't auto grade, we can't grade them, and/or the student can't finish taking it. I personally have opened probably 10-15 tickets regarding issues similar to this for teachers at my school. The problem is not necessarily how things are designed to work, it's that they're not working as designed.

      Please verify, because this is the third similar idea that I've voted on last month that I came in today to see it was marked as "implemented", but I don't think any new implementations have been made, I think they're just being marked as "implemented" due to the "save for later" feature. This problem can still happen when the "save for later" feature is turned on. It's some sort of bug.

      I understand the need for anti-cheating measures (ie: the test timing out if the student opens up another tab to go looking up answers), but there has to be some sort of compromise. When that happens, the student's test is worthless, as only some or potentially none of their answers have come through to the results page, and none are auto graded. And many times it is NOT because the student was cheating, they just accidentally pressed "refresh" or something. the teacher needs an ability to "allow continue" in situations like this that works 100% of the time.

      Thank you

    • Angela Addison commented
      December 21, 2020 20:28

      Hi @Steven Bailey, we can't assume that all teachers want students on all tests to be able to navigate away, go look for answers online or elsewhere and resume when they feel like it. Some teachers don't want students to be able to do this, they want them to have to take it in one session that's why the setting - so that both scenarios are supported. I'm not sure I'm following the question on how would a teacher know that save for later allows them to resume later? It seems appropriately named, but open to discussion! On the comment on the teacher being able to see what the student has done - we do have this. If the student submitted, the teacher will see the button called Results and can see what the student submitted, and then in there there is an option for allowing a retake. If the student did'nt submit it yet, the teacher sees the button Progress, which if they click on still shows them everything the student did do so far, with a message at the top that the student hasn't submitted the test yet. And in there if the teacher hadn't previously enabled the save and continue option, they still have an option to allow the student to continue. If you'd like to schedule some time to walk me through what you're looking at if we're not on the same page, message me directly and let me know what your schedule looks like.

    • Steven Bailey commented
      December 21, 2020 18:39

      Hi... Angela's answer is the same I received from my IT people (likely in discussion with Blackbaud)... However as a "user" this just seems to reek of being a work about. How would a new teacher know to "save for later" will allow this type of incident from recurring. Blackbaud should take a more affirmative "sailor proof" action so that if the system pauses THE TEACHER can override and basically see all the student has done and reassign (retake) if necessary.., Many times the student would have nearly finished the assessment so knowing the students responses solves the issue. Hence I still think this is a active item to correct.

    • Angela Addison commented
      December 21, 2020 16:43

      If the teacher has save for later enabled in the assessment settings the student will automatically see a resume link even if they navigate away or get kicked out. They can also while they're in the test do a save and continue periodically if they're worried about bandwidth and are working on something like a long essay. I think probably this was entered around the same time we were releasing so may have just crossed paths.