Add an academic year Filter to the Student List

We need the ability to pull information from past academic years. The data that we need to reference is in the existing student list. If we filter by grad year it pulls in new students that were not at the school in prior year. If we select current students, it excludes those who left.

We would like the ability to pull a student list by academic year, similar to that of the report card grades list.

  • Guest
  • Sep 25 2020
  • Attach files
  • Daniel commented
    28 Feb, 2023 02:59pm

    Yes yes yes! In general, more filter and column options are always helpful - requests come in for data that would be easily generated/exported if not for the missing filter/column options.

  • Guest commented
    25 Sep, 2020 06:35pm

    Yes! This should be easily possible since school year is an option on gradebook grades list. Advanced lists are way too complicated, this should be a simple thing.

  • +27