Need a separate dorm list, or enhance the current Student List

We currently use the student lists to get students and their respective dorm buildings.  Because our boarding students are only in our Upper School, we filter by grade levels (9 - 12), rather than graduation years, as this means from year to year we do not need to update the filters on the list.

However, it appears that using the grade level filters causes our list to take much longer to load than when using graduation years.  My guess is that this is a function of the system looking up every student that will ever be in 9th through 12th grade and then filter this based on the current academic year.

Whatever the system is doing on the backend, it's taking much longer than it should.

If it's not possible to enhance the current student list so that it loads faster when filtered based on grade level, then a separate dorm SKY list would be helpful.

  • Alex Orlebeke
  • Sep 4 2019
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