Missing assignments graded as 0 should be labeled "Missing" not "Graded"

Students and parents misinterpret the green graded notation as always positive, however many times the grade is 0 because it is missing. Maybe having multiple notations show on the progress page will solve this issue.

  • Kathryn Nguyen
  • Nov 6 2020
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Michael Morrissette commented
    16 Apr, 2024 12:00pm

    Hi Folks -

    In the new assignment experience, we've made some updates to how Missing assignments function. The big issue we hit is that Missing is considered an optional indicator, whereas Graded is a status. Because of this nuance and because an assignment can technically be both, Missing and Graded, it created some difficult situations to handle.

    In the new assignment experience from the List view, students will always see Missing assignments in the Missing and Overdue header, even if the assignment is also Graded. Likewise, from the Calendar view, Missing assignments will always show with a red background, even when the status is Graded. We also now surface two different columns on the Assignment page itself, one for Status (Graded) and one for Marked as (Missing).

    We also have plans to display Missing assignments to students and parents from their Progress page when they click into 'See grade details'. That work is currently undergoing discovery, but we should have something ready before the beginning of the next school year. If you're interested in participating in the discovery efforts, feel free to use the link below to schedule a meeting!

    Scheduling Link: https://research.rallyuxr.com/blackbaud/schedule/cltzv1tgx07zf1an32vf73oyh?channel=share


  • Jennifer Robinson commented
    15 Sep, 2022 07:33pm

    Here are screenshots relevant to the issue of Missing and Graded. A student cannot use online submission for the missing assignment because I have given it zero points.

  • Jennifer Robinson commented
    15 Sep, 2022 07:30pm

    In addition, if I have given a Zero, (and flagged it as missing), a student can no longer submit the missing assignment when Online submission is being used.

  • Guest commented
    6 Nov, 2020 07:05pm

    Multiple Notations on the progress page would be great!

  • Guest commented
    6 Nov, 2020 07:01pm

    Yes, I agree the missing assignments need to be labeled or color coded