Allow uploading of multiple files per name

We would like to use User Folders & Files to keep digital records of various student-related pieces of information: Standardized test results, communications with the student's parent/guardian, notes from parent/teacher conferences, disciplinary actions, etc.

Right now, we would have to create a file for every note that would be added, meaning we would have a 'Middle School' folder with 'parent email 1, 'parent email 2' and so on. This would be untenable to maintain and view.

There should be a way to create a type, then allow multiple uploads per type:

  • Middle School Records (Folder)

    • Communications w/Parent/Guardian (File type)

      • Email on 6-1-2021 (named by person uploading)

      • Note regarding ... (named by person uploading)

    • Standardized Testing Results (File type)

      • 6th Grade (named by person uploading)

      • 8th Grade (named by person uploading)

    • Disciplinary Action (File type)

      • Dress Code violation (named by person uploading)

  • Dawn Slack
  • Nov 30 2021
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload