We would like to use User Folders & Files to keep digital records of various student-related pieces of information: Standardized test results, communications with the student's parent/guardian, notes from parent/teacher conferences, disciplinary actions, etc.
Right now, we would have to create a file for every note that would be added, meaning we would have a 'Middle School' folder with 'parent email 1, 'parent email 2' and so on. This would be untenable to maintain and view.
There should be a way to create a type, then allow multiple uploads per type:
Middle School Records (Folder)
Communications w/Parent/Guardian (File type)
Email on 6-1-2021 (named by person uploading)
Note regarding ... (named by person uploading)
Standardized Testing Results (File type)
6th Grade (named by person uploading)
8th Grade (named by person uploading)
Disciplinary Action (File type)
Dress Code violation (named by person uploading)