Relationship Field on the Emergency Contact Form should pull from the Relationships Types already in the system instead of a blank write-in field

Currently when you create an Emergency Contact form, the "User Emergency Phone Contact" block has a field called "Emergency Contact Relationship" that is a text field where they can write in anything they want. I find that this field gets messy, contains typos, etc. and would make so much more sense for this field to be a drop down that is mapped to the list that lives in Core>Users>User Profile Settings>Relationship Types so that the options for parents are limited to those the platform manager as already approved. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Claire Broadway
  • Jan 20 2022
  • Attach files
  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    August 14, 2023 02:02

    Please do not implement this until you have all the emergency contacts and approved pick up issues figured out. We use this field to add in a custom "Approved Pick Up" role.