Enrollment Management Bulk Upload

The bulk upload was very helpful for School Photos, but I notice the tool only works on the Core section of Blackbaud.

Our school locks down candidates to the Enrollment Management section and we don't want candidate information outside of that. We'd like to have a bulk upload tool for application PDFs that would land in the Enrollment Management section of BB, not in Core.

This spring, I had to upload over 1600 applications one-by-one as miscellaneous files to the candidate checklist because the only people we want to view applications in BB are the admissions managers and committee reviewers for the 3 days we review applications to our school.

We need a tool that will bulk upload all of those at once to where reviewers of the Checklists in Enrollment Management can see the files uploaded without me having to add manually.

A tool like this would save over 50 man hours, so it's something our institution could desperately use.

  • Grant Harrison
  • Jun 15 2022
  • Attach files