Assign multiple smart groups to a Community Page

Our school uses Community Pages to share division-specific information (The Lower School has a page, the Middle School has a page, and the Upper School has a page). The information on each of the pages is relevant to students, faculty and staff, and parents. Because only one Smart Group can be added to a page, it makes the page rostering management difficult and cumbersome. If there was an option to add a smart group of users based on their roles and include grade levels, when appropriate, that would be ideal.

For example, we have an Upper School Divisional Landing Page (Comunity group). The Smart Group list knows to look for all the parents of students in grades 9-12. Because of the current limitation on rostering, the faculty, staff, and students have to be manually added to the roster for that group. Not only is it a GIANT time suck, it is prone to human error.

I hope to see this fixed in a future release.

  • Guest
  • Sep 6 2023
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  • Lindsay Giliam commented
    September 06, 2023 15:27

    This would be an extreme help & would boost productivity in the workplace!