Need access to the end time for Athletic events through Advanced List or report
First, please update the knowledgebase documentation to accurately reflect the fact that end time CANNOT be pulled into a report or an advanced list. Please give us access to this field in-product, not just through the API.
I'm guessing this might be due to the fact 'end time' isn't a mandatory field, but I'd still love to get this in an advanced list if it exists.
I'm working on a way to regularly export Blackbaud scheduling data (like athletic games) to my data warehouse so I can import that data into my room booking system. Without the 'end time', I'm stuck defaulting the end time to something, which is rarely accurate. Haivng access to 'end time' would be awesome!
I'm guessing this might be due to the fact 'end time' isn't a mandatory field, but I'd still love to get this in an advanced list if it exists.
I'm working on a way to regularly export Blackbaud scheduling data (like athletic games) to my data warehouse so I can import that data into my room booking system. Without the 'end time', I'm stuck defaulting the end time to something, which is rarely accurate. Haivng access to 'end time' would be awesome!
Not least of all because the staff responsible for maintaining this information are likely NOT familiar with accessing data via API.