Add Print button to Files & Forms under People Finder

I want a Print button next to each form under the Files & Forms task in the People Finder within the Core product.
  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Attach files
  • Alex Heines commented
    August 25, 2021 15:33

    I am also struggling with this issue. The feature in the help documentation is exactly what we need. Please implement this!

  • Karin Cintron commented
    January 11, 2021 19:36

    The Help documentation as of January 2021 suggests that it is a feature. It says:

    "You can also access submitted, non-medical forms from the Core view of a user's profile. Select People finder and select a user. Then select Files & forms. Select a school form to open, complete, print, or export."

    I couldn't get it to work as described and submitted a ticket to Support for assistance. The eventual answer was that it is not possible and to upvote on this ticket, which I am doing.

    As a platform manager, I need to be able to access multiple forms by student so that I can easily reply to admin requests. I also need to train office staff to quickly pull up submitted forms by student so that our school can pass audits (now held virtually) and remain compliant with state guidelines.

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