Ability to filter and grab WebCal Feed without delay

I would like an enhancement to be able to filter and grab a WebCal feed without needing to wait and hour for the filters to take affect. We have parents using this option and they are not going to come back and filter this. This would be very helpful to have the filters automaticaly update - then the user can easily add this filtered calendar.
  • Guest
  • Sep 3 2015
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  • Brent Johnston commented
    September 18, 2017 15:10

    This is a very old comment, but it holds true. Even filtering it myself, the hour or more lag means I can't test calendar feeds for parents.  I hate to be one of those people, but being able to set the calendar up and see what events are showing in the calendar then creating the feed from that "view" was way simpler than this new system of check boxes and filters.  By the way, you need a Select all and deselect all for the filters, it's ridiculous to have to click each checkbox individually.

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