Ability to Pull Chosen School and reason declined into a Sky List

Currently in onBoard > Analyse > Overview, we are able to see the school a student chose to attend, however, we are not able to see the school name or the Reason for declining in the Sky lists. 

  • Scott Durham
  • Apr 3 2017
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Austin Ewachiw commented
    8 Mar, 2019 02:18pm

    Here we are, 2 years later, and no movement on this.  In Advanced Lists, I can pull Candidate Decision, Reason Declined, Comment, BUT NOT THE SCHOOL THEY PROVIDED AS THEIR CHOICE.  (glaring omission).  Can we look into this?

  • Rebekah Jackson commented
    7 Apr, 2017 06:51pm

    Please make this happen. Our Board wants to know where students who don't choose us are headed (and why). We need to be able to export this information.

  • Austin Ewachiw commented
    3 Apr, 2017 08:00pm

    Makes sense for reporting. Get 'er done!