Interviewer calendar visability- Admissions Scheduling calendar

We have many teachers who interview our Candidates and we do not want the teachers to have the admissions staff role. We would like to be able to have an Interviewer Role and be able to feed the interview appointments from the admissions calendar to their personalized Calendar within Blackbaud, just as group events flow to members calendars. 

Interviewers should be able to access and edit the Interviewer rating and Notes, but none of the other scheduling areas nor Candidate info, except for the data on the Interview Basics tab -- only viewable. 

This is not possible to do with a cloned role of an Admissions Staff -- it has been tried, but you have to have all kinds of edit access over candidates to be able to see the Interview calendar that is outside of interviewing -- ie Edit access to checklists, etc.

  • Guest
  • Dec 20 2018
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  • Karin Kennedy commented
    6 May, 2022 05:09pm

    Additionally, we want all faculty, staff and studnets to see a copy of this calendar with the rest of their calendars so eveyrone knows when a visitor will be on campus. Not only for managing interviews but so they are ready for shadow days. We will probably bypass this for now by feeding the admissions calendar out and then into a school created calendar.

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2019 10:55pm

    One idea of how to implement this is Core>Communication>Calendar -- allow for access to each of the various admissions calendars to be controlled rather than having them locked down to admissions managers and staff...if other roles (Ie custom role of "Interviewer" could be added to the "Interviews" calendar, this would allow interviewers to find their interviews as least and potentially act upon those calendar entries and add their ratings and notes.