Blank version of ANY online forms created in EM or CORE

It would be helpful and customer service friendly if we could have the option to "print" any online form that we create in EM or in CORE, this will include Online Teacher Recommendation Forms and Online School Forms. We try to direct families to the digital world when it comes to the application process and school form submissions, but it would still be helpful to have an alternative option for families who are not tech savvy or simply prefer a non-tech method. The alternative way for Teacher Recommendation Forms is especially vital as often times these online forms are being sent to teachers in various schools and some schools have strict policies or strong network safety features that will prevent these online requests from coming through successfully.

  • Hui-Chun O'Leary
  • Oct 15 2021
  • Attach files
  • Morgan Kunze commented
    20 Oct, 2021 09:20pm

    Ooh, I JUST encountered this in EMS. It is so useful to be able to print a blank form. PS this should also apply to forms created in Academics.