Enhanced Reporting - Enrollment Management

Good morning,

Please consider enhancing the reporting in the contract lists within enrollment management to allow for all fees and awards listed on the student contract to export into their own cells and columns when exporting. Preferably as a flattened row, and not multiple rows per student.

Thank you

  • Michael Zuchowski
  • Dec 11 2023
  • Attach files
  • Susan Emery commented
    December 20, 2023 17:46

    Similar to Troy's comment - to please disaggregate the types of awards (text) from the amount. AND, to allow for an export for the actual contract amount!

  • Troy Burki commented
    December 12, 2023 02:28

    Related - my biggest issue is the financial aid column. Instead of listing the dollar amount, the value is a string of the amount + the name of the financial aid type.