Making image boxes on contracts printable

We would like image boxes to be able to also be printable after the contract is submitted so that all the information that the parent sees is also visible to the school on the physical copy.

  • Guest
  • Feb 2 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    December 27, 2024 22:09

    Our withdraw tables were loaded as inserted images because BB doesn't have the functionality to create a table in the contract. The images look fine during the preview and signature process but disappear when we attempt to print the completed contract. To comply with Legal's guidelines, we MUST be able to print the completed contract, and that withdrawal table is a key provision. Please make this a priority

  • Amanda Barrett commented
    March 07, 2024 21:11

    PLEASE MAKE THIS A PRIORITY FOR INSERTED IMAGES. We are having to manually print all of our enrollment contracts to initial next to a certain section hen re-upload....this should not be the case. We are in the 21st century.

  • Tiffany Dale commented
    November 03, 2021 15:58

    Please make this a priority, the image element is useless if the images cannot be printed to the PDF copy.

  • Brian Taylor commented
    May 10, 2018 15:39

    It appears as though this has been an issue since at least March 8, 2017, with no resolution for schools.

    We are able to print our logos, which are image files just like the signatures. Why can't you apply the same programming that allows us to print logos to the image feature?

    A contract isn't a contract unless both parties sign. Essentially, the contract feature is a worthless tool because we still have to print and sign the contracts as we did without Blackbaud.

    Is anyone at Blackbaud monitoring this thread? What happens with our expressed concerns?

  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    March 02, 2018 21:45

    Our Business Office is telling me that for Massachusetts schools we MUST have the signature printable on the contract. Please make this a priority!

  • Guest commented
    June 07, 2017 15:23

    Priority please  - we have government regulations that require printed copies in students' files.  We use the images for supporting tables.

    Also, not all parents are able to wrap their head around logging in to sign a contract, so we pdf the document for them to sign, but a chunk of the contract ends up missing.

    Why have a widget for us to use if we can not print it as well!

  • Guest commented
    May 12, 2017 14:21

    Priority Please

  • Guest commented
    March 08, 2017 15:23

    Please make this a priority.