Ability to 'specify credit awarded per term' at end of year/ enhancement

This feature is often an option that it is too late to change to once it is realized that it is needed. It is unfortunate that the option is locked after grades are entered, as I would rather it allow me to clear those grades so that I can make a needed change (much as changing the formula in a grade plan does, with a warning), and recalculate affected credits.


While changing this feature, it would also be great to be able to select the grade plan grade specifically that the 'passing grade' should be evaluated from, not just the term.

  • Guest
  • Jun 22 2017
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  • Shae Lowery commented
    October 04, 2017 18:32

    We have 4 terms for our year long classes (in order to generate quarterly gpa's), but need to award full credit if the final grade is passing,  Currently, only the terms that have passing grades will generate credit. If someone fails one term, only partial credit is awarded.