For "viewer appeal" it would be very beneficial to parents and students if their courses listed on the Progress tab were in class period order rather than alphabetical order. Class names at schools are often coded differently therefore alpha order is irrelevant for the list and often leaves the viewer confused because there is no way to change the sort view.
Come on, Blackbaud! We really need this!
We need to be able to set the sort order. Our HS students may want it in Block. Our Lower School parents want their Homeroom at the top. On a phone, there is a lot to scroll through to get to where you need. Being able to sort so your most accessed are at the top would be helpful to parents and students.
This really needs to be implemented! Thanks!
It would be great to choose the order for how these classes are listed to eliminate confusion from parents and students.
"Bumping" this request that has been here for 4 years. Students think of their classes in block order, not alpha order.