Make navigation consistent from student roster to student information

One of our advisers noticed that the navigation from his Advisee roster was not as easy/intuitive as the team roster. Quite often, he needs to check on academic progress, and the only options from the three-dot menu are 'View Profile' and 'View Relationships' - which essentially take him to the same place - the contact card tab. From there, they can select the Progress tab, but it's not super obvious (attached screenshot).

We compared the navigation to a team roster, where it is much more robust. There, the choices are Progress, Schedule, Assignments, Official Notes, Contact Card - which are far more useful for Advisers (attached screenshot).

Can we make it a consistent navigation choices for people with faculty/adviser roles to be able to have all 5 like an athletic team roster? This should be from a class roster or an advisory roster.



  • Carolyn Stevens
  • Oct 6 2017
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