Make assessment creation quicker and less onerous

When making multiple choice, fill in the blank, etc. assessments, you have to drag the desired option for each individual question!  If you have 30 or 100 items, that is tedious.  Isn't there a way to do this more efficiently?  Maybe being able to input the number of multiple choice, fill in the blank, etc. questions that want, and with a click it happens.  

  • Sybil Jackson Carter
  • Mar 2 2018
  • Attach files
  • Kim Norris commented
    October 27, 2020 12:53

    This is an extremly time consuming process! Please fix this!

  • Ben Mountz commented
    May 15, 2020 18:43

    Absolutely. Why are there not more comments and "agrees" on this discussion? Blackbaud, have you even tried using your own software in creating a simple multiple-choice test or quiz? The assessment creation process is absolutely awful. Almost as if it was an afterthought. Whenever you want to add a new question, you have to drag in some box, and then it jumps all over the place and hope that it goes into the spot you want. And this occurs with every different browser I have tried. Why can't there be a simple "add next question" button?

    The one comment in this thread from a person who inserts questions from last to first is a good workaround, but why should this be the case? Why should the user have to think backwards to adapt to a flawed interface?

    And this is assessment; this is FUNDAMENTAL to education. This is not some niche function we're dealing with here. And while self-graded MC/TF questions are not idea for all assessments, they are useful for regular formative assessment. But these have to be able to be created quickly and efficiently. Your current assessment-creating workflow is the antithesis of the words "quick" and "efficient". Not to mention of the phrase "user friendly".

    I hope that you will soon address this broken functionality of your LMS. But I am skeptical; the fact that I am still dealing with isues that were posted by a user 2 years go communicates to me that you don't understand - or don't care - about how critical effective assessment is in education. The ball is in your court. If nothing changes soon, I am going to strongly recommend that my school play ball in another court.

  • Guest commented
    January 07, 2019 18:12

    I insert my questions from the last to the first.  This way when I add a new question, I am always adding the question to the top of the list and I don't have to deal with the questions jumping all around as I try to insert the new question.