Don't Let Teachers Forget to Select at Least 1 Correct Answer for Multiple Choice Questions on Assessments

At present, teachers can create a multiple choice question with several answers and not be required to mark at least one answer as 'Correct'. The system should require teachers to do this, so some logic needs to be added.

Because teachers can't edit the questions at all after a student starts taking the assessment, including which answer(s) is correct, teachers can unknowingly mess up their entire assessment scoring.

On the plus side, teachers can manually update the points earned for the question as part of reviewing and committing grades, but this is still not an ideal workaround.

  • Alex Orlebeke
  • Apr 8 2020
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
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    • Admin
      Michael Morrissette commented
      December 21, 2022 18:47

      Hey Folks -

      We added some helpful error messaging in the new assessment experience that recently went live. Now when a teacher goes to save a question that doesn't have a correct answer marked, they'll receive a popup reminding them.