Add the option to include "Lists" and "FAQ" Content Types within Community Group Pages

We would like to be able to include these content types within our Community Group Pages instead of having to direct families elsewhere to access this content.

  • Andrew Davis
  • Jun 22 2018
  • Attach files
  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    18 Oct, 2018 05:27pm

    Was just going to include this request myself, albeit for within Topics on classes.

    The FAQ content type is really useful when you're dealing with a lot of content so that individuals can click and see exactly what their looking for.  We use them on our resource boards to categorize and organize a number of self-help guides and videos so we don't have a huge long list of links.

    If added in this way, I'm not sure if the current "FAQ" content type title makes sense in the context of a topic.  At that point the focus is more that it's a collapsible list rather than an FAQ.