Ability to "All Terms" when navigating "Requests and Schedules"

It would save a lot of time for us if we had an "All Terms" search option in the Offer Course / Classes area. We have 6 terms, which is admittedly a little bit different. Sometimes it's useful to be able to see all sections of a given class across all 6 terms rather than having them all siloed.

I understand that this could present a challenge with offering a class or adding sections with the way the database seems to be set up. It would be great if, as a bonus, terms could be adjusted in the class creation menu too. If a class moves between terms in course set up, we currently need to delete the class, un-offer it, re-offer it in a different term, create the course section, and repopulate the class which isn't particularly efficient.

  • Jordy Ross
  • Jan 12 2021
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