Assessments-Many lacking features-matching, ordering, extra credit, printing assessments

The assessment tool is one of the most underwhelming and under-developed features. There should be more than just mulitple choice, short answer, essay, and fill in the blank when creating assessments. We should have a feature for matching, ordering, labeling pictures, mutli-response multiple choice, and so on.

Also, the grading on assessments is miserable. If I want to assign extra credit on a question the system does not allow me to do so. Please change this feature to allow for more points earned than allowed so students can receive extra credit.

When creating assessments we should be able to put in generic feedback on the multiple choice responses. For example I put in one message for a particular answer choice so any students who selects that option would see a generic feedback response and not have to type the same feedback onto every single quiz/test I grade.

Finally, there is no way to print assessments and that is ridiculous. During the COVID year we had to make all of our assessments online since we were mostly virtual (and some of last year as well). Now that we are in person I'm giving the same assessments but on paper and I have to re-make all of them because there is no way to print the assessments from Blackbaud. It's time consuming and unnecessary. Please add the ability to print assessments after they have been created online to eliminate doubling our work.

  • Mandi W
  • Nov 2 2022
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Jen Brakeman commented
      November 04, 2022 19:29

      In addition to allowing screenshotted figures to be pasted into the questions (as opposed to having to create a gazillion files and upload all of them - thereby greatly increasing our # of clicks to make any given test) I'd like to also add: please allow tests built with the old/current assessment builder to open up in the new assessment builder.

      Teachers spend hours making tests, and not being able to use an old test after the new assessment builder goes live just adds even more to our workload (especially if we have to create and upload individual figure files).


    • Admin
      Michael Morrissette commented
      November 02, 2022 19:03

      Hey Folks -

      Some of these items will be available once the new experience goes live, others we have plans to address in 2023, and some of these enhancements we're keeping in mind for future projects.

      For example, with the new experience we will be able to use a Matching question type and we'll have a native print feature. Later in 2023, we're looking to increase our question types even further to enable you all to better assess students through the tool.

      We also know that saving teachers clicks is always highly sought after, and being able to log proactive, standard feedback like you mentioned is a problem we'd like to solve for in the future.

      We'll continue to iterate on this feature in the future so keep voting and logging your ideas in this portal and we'll update them as we make improvements.

    • Jen Brakeman commented
      November 02, 2022 16:39

      I agree with everything Mandi said.

      In addition: as you work on the new Assessment Builder, PLEASE KEEP the feature to be able to paste in screenshots of figures to both the question prompts as well as the multiple choice answer options.