Ability to give a specific teacher view rights to another teacher's specific class

We need the ability to give a specific teacher view access to a specific class's setup without adding them to the Roster. They don't need access to all classes or all classes by department. Just one class. They need the ability to view all setup of the class, including Bulletin Board, Topics, Assignments, and possibly even Gradebook settings - not student grades, just the settings. Really, anything that is the overall settings for the class and not drilling into student detail - although I can definitely think of some uses for that. Sometimes, it is just for a short period when a new teacher is onboarding or a teacher is teaching a class that was previously taught by a colleague. Sometimes, teachers want to share their information with a specific colleague throughout the school year. It needs to be a one-to-one setting: Specific teacher -> specific class. I could see this option helpful on the class details in Scheduling, but it would be great if there were a screen dedicated to this where the bigger picture can be analyzed periodically (filtering by at least School Year, School Level, and Department, but also by Teacher Name would be amazing). I can't believe there isn't an idea in the Idea Bank for this considering the crazy work arounds discussed on the Community, the extra access and role problems they cause, combined with the fact that this functionality exists in other LMS programs. But a Blackbaud Support person confirmed that they also could not locate a specific idea for this. Really hoping you find an idea to merge this with, so there are some more votes!

  • Pam Foster
  • Dec 9 2023
  • Attach files
  • Kevin Artavia commented
    December 13, 2023 22:00

    Hi Pam! A teacher can obtain access to other classes's topics, assignments, etc, by setting up the access for "All Other teachers" in Core > Security > Group page access, this will allow teachers to access other teacher's groups and view the information. Group page access does not allow access to view the gradebook setup