Athletics Practice Feature
I would like to request that practices within Athletics (onCampus) be allowed to have a title field, as well as a notes field. Sometimes we have optional practices on days when school is closed, but there is no way to denote this within the practice. Sometimes we also have additional notes/details that need to be attached to a practice and similarly would like to be able to add titles for the practices.
Adding title to practices will be going to production in tomorrow's release.
Thanks Beth - we'll be adding a Title field to practice setup in our next sprint so keep an eye out for that some time in March.
I would like the title field for the ability to designate practices such as "sophomores only" or "optional work out" , etc... we do not need an RSVP feature - just a way to communicate details on schedule and school calendar at a glance with out having to click on a practice to open and see details as our students won' do that
Hi all who voted for this, I'm wondering - is everyone thinking they would use this to designate optional versus mandatory? Reason being, we also have requests for a rsvp feature where students and/or parents would be able to indicate if they were going to make the game or practice and I'm wondering if everyone would be using title as a way to flag optional/mandatory if it would be better suited to a flag and that could display in the rsvp feature if we moved forward with that. On the part about having additional notes on practices - I do see that we have a notes field in the practice setup, is this a different ask?