Allow users to expand the content editor window for ease of updating content.

Currently, when adding content to a category, i.e. text, list, etc., the content editor window is a fixed size. Back in the podium days we were able to expand the window to see more of it at a time, which made it much easier for editing large amounts of texts or tables. Please bring it back!

  • Guest
  • Feb 22 2018
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Anthony Gallo commented
    13 Feb, 2019 02:57pm


    We released an update to module window sizes in Today's update.  The module window will obliviously depend on the size of your screen and resolution but it will now span the height of your screen for all content types if needed.

  • Binnie Pappas commented
    12 Feb, 2019 05:41pm

    Right on! We recently launched a BB website after being a Finalsite school for five years. The ONE THING I miss most about Finalsite is THIS.

    Though strange to say it, I think about this restrictive Blackbaud content editing situation every single time I update the website. That's pretty much every day!