Emergency Attendance (Drills and Actual Fire and Lockdown incidents)

It would be nice to have a system whereby an administrator can invoke an emergency attendance action and have administrators and teachers take attendance of all the students and staff that are in their charge/vicinity.

Since "everyone" has a cell phone and the onProducts work well on wifi or cellular data, I would like to see those with the "Emergency Attendance" role login on their phones/tablets, click on a "Take Attendance" overlay and start recording in an alphabetical list or via search. The list would shorten the time needed to take attendance and the attendance manager will see reporting for those outstanding. Thumbnail pictures of students would help too. 

This system would log who took attendance too and possibly time the process.

A valuable tool for all schools. 

When we do fire and lockdown drills we have to quickly (not so easy) print an absence report and take a copy of the student list. When we muster, teachers affirm attendance and then go to the attendance manager to affirm absences via the absent report.  After all of that, we try to account for the missing students/employees and guests.

  • Peter Cox
  • Oct 24 2017
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    • Guest commented
      September 13, 2023 13:29

      We would love to see this as well.

    • Ruth Wilson commented
      April 13, 2022 14:24

      This would be extermemly helpful. We rely on Blackbaud for schedules and attendance.

    • Peter Cox commented
      December 27, 2017 16:25
