Change "Absent Unexcused" category label to "Absent"

There is the ability to add both excused and unexcused reasons to this category but the label on the report card is always "Absent Unexcused". Simply changing the name in the system would be awesome. To me this just makes more sense given the structure of the Attendance settings.

  • Zach
  • Nov 2 2017
  • Attach files
  • Tracy Holsinger commented
    September 14, 2020 22:22

    Please could we make this change. It has become troublesome with our parents when all absences are unexcused.

  • Guest commented
    April 21, 2020 19:37

    What Ed said: "It would be most helpful if you made this category name unlocked so we were allowed to edit it and label it whatever we wanted. It would also be nice to be allowed to inactivate it. "

  • Ed Hilliard commented
    January 09, 2019 19:32

    It would be most helpful if you made this category name unlocked so we were allowed to edit it  and label it whatever we wanted. It would also be nice to be allowed to inactivate it.