To be able to view the dates and times set for a prerecorded Absence that you have already entered using the record absence button, but has not happened yet.

If it is 10/12/17 and you use the record absence button to prerecord a group of students absent for an upcoming field trip (11/15/17 from 10:00am to 3:00pm for reason of Fieldtrip) and click save & close. Right now you can only go to that day (11/15/17) under student attendance and see those students listed as absent with a reason of Fieldtrip. However you can NOT see what times on 11/15/17 that they are actually entered into the system as going on the field trip. Please make a way, that when we go to a future date (Academic>Attendance> Student Attendance> click the right arrow to a future date) click on a students name under student attendance that we would be able to see exactly from when to when on that day the student's absences are prerecorded. This would allow us to catch mistakes such as on 10/12/17 being able to go to the future date of 11/15/17 in student attendance and being able to see that on 11/15/17 we made a mistake and entered the field trip to be from 11:00am to 3:00pm. Which would allow us on 10/12/17 to redo the record attendance for the field trip to be on 11/15/17 from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Thank you

  • Ed Hilliard
  • Nov 9 2017
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