View Master Schedule by Course needs to be able to show yearlong courses in semester 2 view

Currently, we can see yearlong courses when the master schedule is sorted by teacher.  It is VERY OFTEN necessary to look at what's happening (in real time) with all the sections of a course (for all teachers and class periods).  However, when you sort the Master Schedule by course to look at all sections, any courses that are yearlong do not show up at all when looking at 2nd semester.  They only appear in 1st semester (even though they are, clearly, YEAR long).  This renders the View Master Schedule virtually useless.  So, for any schools that have semester-long and year-long courses (all schools I've ever known), this correction is imperative.  I would love to speak to someone who can fix this and help them understand how this impacts people working in a school.  Thanks!

  • Erica Arnold
  • Dec 8 2017
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    • Dawn Rossi commented
      January 18, 2018 21:44

      We experienced so many difficulties with year long classes - especially in reporting and handling any add/drops for students for second semester - that we changed all of our courses to semester long. Our courses now have an A or B at the end of the title to designate 1st or 2nd semester. This is going to create extra work for me when I set up course requests as I'm going to have to make sure that all of those A/B courses are linked since they are really year long classes. I'd love to see year long courses function better overall.