The blocks that teachers see prior to the start of the school year need to be the actual blocks they are teaching.

When I view the master schedule I have created, it shows the correct blocks for classes. I want my teachers to go ahead and see their classes and blocks through onCampus, but what they see is inaccurate. Prior to the first day of school, for a teacher to see classes, she has to go to groups, then view more groups, then change it to 2018-19 all year. The courses show up, but the blocks are all wrong. The help desk said it is a problem and the work around is to go through myDay if they want to see the periods they teach. I feel that the blocks they see in the groups should be the blocks that they are actually teaching, otherwise, it lead to confusion. Please fix. 

  • Amy Calhoun
  • Jul 2 2018
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    • Candace Chesler commented
      July 05, 2018 11:52

      We instruct our teachers to use the My Day calendar view to see their schedule - so they can get a snapshot of their week in one place.