Attendance entries with "Use in calculations = NO" should NOT be included in the Attendance Summary

I really don't understand why attendance entries that are marked in attendance setup to not be included in the attendance totals....are included in the attendance totals. While I understand that the "use in calculations" is for attendance on the report card, why would the attendance summary not also be connected to this field? If I don't want an entry to be counted as part of the official attendance record on the report card, why would I want it to be displayed to the parents as either a tardy or absence when it is not?

Our parents see the attendance summary everyday. It is getting really old trying to explain to them that the tardies or absences they see are not real. Please change the summary to recognize this switch so that the accurate attendance summary can be displayed.

  • Rick Geyer
  • Oct 9 2018
  • Attach files
  • Candi Roberts commented
    October 18, 2024 15:58

    If it is not used in calculations, it should not show up on the report card!!! Please fix this!

  • Natalie Kingsbury commented
    February 06, 2024 23:57

    Apparently even if the attendance reason is set up to not use in calculations, it still does show up in the report card. It literally only changes the student attendance summary that we see on our end. It will still show up on the student attendance summary on the parent end AND still show up in the report card. Make it make sense?

  • Geoffrey Goodfellow commented
    March 26, 2019 03:17

    Very much agree with this! We take attendance by class.  However, when you establish the absence reasons in setup, you get to choose whether the reason counts or does not count for the day equivalency calculations.  This is what allow a student who misses a day of 7 periods for "sickness" to count as 7 class absences and a daily equivalent of 1 whereas a student who misses a day of 7 periods for "field trip" to count as 7 class absence and daily equivalent of 0.  On the absence summary displayed to parents, it is really the daily equivalent that we would like to show them rather than the classes missed.  The classes missed doesn't tell the story of attendance accurately to parents.