Hello, I am the Vice Principal for Student Life. I monitor attendance and conduct at my high school.
NEED: Our high school attendance policy requires demerit points for excessive absences per section (per class). For example, Student A has 5 absences in English class, Student A receives 1 demerit. If Student A also has 5 absences in Chemistry Class, Student A receives another 1 demerit.
Absence demerits are tallied per section (per class).
BLACKBAUD: provides attendance (absence) totals which is very helpful! It is a great feature! I can run a report from absence analysis per student per section. I am able to identify excessive absences per section (per class).
PROBLEM: The totals have no significance unless they are translated to consequences. I am unable to create a conduct setup for attendance (absence) totals.
NOTE: Tardies are tied to consequences. Total tardies receive assigned demerits. Parents, student, and I are notified. I think that if total tardies can be assigned demerits, why can't section absences?
IDEA: Blackbaud should be able to translate Attendance (absence) Totals per section (per class)