Allow students to use the Notes field for Recommended Courses

For some reason, you can’t put in a Note for a recommended course once you’ve requested it. So if you want to rank it or add a note, you need to do it BEFORE you request it. This is unnecessarily complicated for students.

We use the Notes field for preferences. It's the only real way to capture student preferences. 

  • David Panush
  • Apr 12 2019
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Jennifer Lange commented
      March 11, 2021 18:01

      Students at our school cannot even make a note for recommended courses. The only way for them to make notes is to select a class from the Available Courses section. It would be great for them to be able to make notes for requests selected from the recommendation section. All of our advanced and honors courses are set up to require a recommendation. If a student is recommended for a standard level class, it would be great if they could make their appeal for the higher level course in the notes section. That way, we could export that info to Excel using the Recommendations and Requests List.